PUHPOWEE Blue Lotus Herbal Tea

Dhs. 154.00
PUHPOWEE Blue Lotus Herbal Tea

PUHPOWEE Blue Lotus Herbal Tea

Dhs. 154.00
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Blue Lotus (Nymphaea Caerulea) is revered for its immense benefits on physical and mental health. A powerhouse of antioxidants and other nutrients that have been beneficial for humanity for centuries, it is a botanical treasure revered by different civilizations and cherished by the Ancient Egyptians.

Blue Lotus was a visionary plant used to illicit dream states that would take royalty to higher realms, increasing intuition and astral dreaming capabilities. The Ancient Egyptians used to consume Blue Lotus by smoking the dried flowers in pipes as depicted in hieroglyphs, as well as brewing the flowers as tea, along with using them for steaming, smudging, making perfumes, medicines and other ailments.


- Relieves menstruation problems due to its pain-relieving properties. It also has been shown to promote a regular cycle, normal flow and potentially control symptoms of PMS.

- Blue Lotus was used in ancient Egypt as an Aphrodisiac to promote sex drive. The alkaloids found in flower also improves the fertility levels in both men and women.

- Blue Lotus has been found to provide relief from different kinds of stress and anxiety.

- It has been found to have pain-relieving properties that relieve moderate pain and muscle stress in the body. In ancient times, the Egyptians used it as a pain reliever to assist various ailments.

- Studies have shown that an alkaloid named nuciferine found in the Blue Lotus helps to regulate insulin secretion, while also lowering the probability of cardiovascular diseases by reducing cholesterol levels in the body. However, this plant should not be consumed if the person takes anti-diabetes medication such as insulin or else the blood sugar levels may go down to a dangerous level.


You can steep it to make Blue Lotus tea, consume it as an addition in your culinary dishes, smoke it in a traditional pipe, use it for steaming, or add it in your smudging rituals.

- Instructions For Tea: Brew 1-3 flowers in a pot of water until boiling and simmer for 3 mins on low heat once reaching boiling point. Or simply add boiling hot water to teapot/large cup and steep Blue Lotus flowers inside. Drink the full cup and top up again with boiling water 2-3 times. One flower typically makes 2- 3 cups of tea.

- How to smoke it: Crush up 3 soft petals and add in a traditional medicine smoking pipe or sprinkle over rolling papers. It works great on its own or mixed with other herbs.

- For steaming: Add whole flowers into the bathtub during your goddess bath. Use flowers to exfoliate the body.

*Blue Lotus should NOT be taken during pregnancy or if you are on Insulin medication. If you are on any medications, then it should be consumed only after a consultation with your medical professional. *


Organic blue lotus flowers.


Puhpowee is a Potawatomi word (a Native American language of the Algonquian family) that translates to "The force that causes mushrooms to push up and appear overnight", also used as a synonym of 'rising', 'emergence', ‘growth'. Puhpowee is a sister company of SEVA. All Puhpowee products are grown in our own organic permaculture farm, and foraged and extracted with love and respect for the earth and all inhabitants.

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